May 21, 2014

T18 - Plant a tree at Democracy Monument under Martial Law !

Tree : T018
Specie : Plumeria sp. - ลีลาวดี 
Street : Thanon Dinso (Pencil street), opposite Satri Witthaya School - ถนน ดินสอ
Notes : Martial law, excellent soil, friendly neighbours

Traffic was just as bad as I expected, but the streets around Democracy Monument where surprisingly really quiet. It looks that the protesters' stages nearby have been deserted. A few sand-bag barricades here and there block the way, but not many soldiers in sight, I guess the action must be somewhere else...

 Sandbag barricades on Ratchadamnoen Rd

Cosy spot in view of Democracy Monument 

As usual, people around the spot started chitchatting with us. The lady owning a food stall right in front of the tree was quite happy : "every other spot has grown up trees and shade, but not us !". Raining season having begun, nature will take care of itself and she won't even have to do anything, though she seemed quite motivated to water and take care of the new tree.
What pleased me the most though were these two street kids, obviously used to spending their days on the streets, begging etc, who came to us first and picked-up right away what we were doing. They were very supportive : "Yeah, cool, planting some trees is good for everyone, you guys rock !". 20 seconds later there were gone with big smiles !

Happy tree

I must confess this tree is most likely not a good choice for a sidewalk : frangipani trees have a rather wide shape, with branches spreading from the trunk from quite low when te tree is young. So well, it might not stay there for very long...

 Albert at work again !

Albert joined me after travelling by bus all night back from Chiang Rai, where he was demolishing earth buildings damaged during the earthquakes last week. 

After planting T18, we went back to T16 which is growing quite fine and watered it as well.

T16 growing just fine :)

Some guy put up a fence next to it, and it is also protected by the electric box. Will this tree be left enough time to reach the wires above ?

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